Irishdolphins - charting interactions between dolphins & people - charting interactions between dolphins and people
Irishdolphins international conference in support of interactive dolphins
Irishdolphins conference 2008 homepage Conference Details Conference background Book for Conference Contact Irishdolphins Go to the website
Please note: Conference 2008 is now over but there are plans for another in 2009 so please call back here
    Dr Toni Frohoff

Presenting Topic: "Friendly Dolphins Around the World: Many Species, Many Cultures"

Dolphin mysteriesDr. Toni Frohoff has been studying marine mammal behavior, with an emphasis on dolphin-human interactions in captivity and the wild, as well as stress and welfare in dolphins, for over 20 years. She has lectured and written widely about these subjects and her work is often featured in the media internationally. Toni has a doctorate in Behavioral Biology and a master’s degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences. Her research for government agencies and non-profit organizations has contributed to the revision and implementation of management and legislation protecting captive and free-ranging dolphins in numerous countries, including the Bahamas, Antigua, the Dominican Republic, Belize, Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica, Jamaica, and the United States. Currently, Toni is Research Director for both TerraMar Research and the Whale Stewardship Project, where she studies free-ranging solitary beluga whales and solitary orcas who regularly interact with boaters and swimmers; the first of their kind to be scientifically documented. She also continues to consult for international government agencies and non-profit organizations on both captive and free-ranging marine mammal protection, conservation, and management issues.

Dolphin Mysteries


Toni has recently co-authored the book,
“Dolphin Mysteries: Unlocking the Secrets of Communication”
with Kathleen Dudzinski for Yale University Press (available in fall of 2008).

Between Species 

 Between Species: Celebrating the
Dolphin-Human Bond
An anthology by Toni Frohoff, Ph.D. and Brenda Peterson

  Available at or your local bookstore!
Website is dedicated to giving accurate information about 'friendly' or sociable wild dolphins (and whales) around the coastal waters of Ireland - i.e., those cetaceans who from time to time choose to interact with humans.. Dolphins include Fungie the Dingle Dolphin, Dony and Dusty.