Charting interactions between dolphins and people
Irish Dolphins - Interactions between dolphins and people.  Including Fungie the Dingle Dolphin
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Solitary dolphins - what can we learn?

The strange and remarkable phenomenon that are the solo dolphins that choose to interact with humans is not something that can be easily explained. Why do they stay and seek out human interaction? Are they shunned by their own pods? What future is there for them? These are often questions that are being asked but the answers are either unsatisfactory or incomplete. are trying to find answers and are calling on help from the scientific community who see these dolphins as an aberration of nature. Please see the article 'Solitary dolphins - what can we learn?' for more information.

Here is an extract from the article:

"Solitary and 'stationary' dolphins therefore already represent an anomaly, and a very rare one in terms of the general dolphin population, even before they start interacting with humans. All dolphins tend to bow-ride boats which are going the way they want to go and in this sense may be said to associate with human beings. In some parts of the world, dolphins may also feed in association with human fishing activity. Solitary or 'sociable' dolphins, however, are distinguished by seeking out human activities which appear to have no benefit to them, and which in fact very often put them into serious risk of ill health or injury.
Click here for the full article
Date Posted: 29/08/2003
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