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Irish Dolphins - Interactions between dolphins and people.  Including Fungie the Dingle Dolphin
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Fungie has company!

17th December 2003

Much excitement in Dingle Harbour this afternoon. Suzanne and Nick were down at the beach for their usual winter afternoon swim, hardy people that they are, when there was a flurry of fins and suddenly Fungie had visitors. It's always hard to be sure but Nick reckoned there were about 10 dolphins. They came right into the narrow channel as far as the first channel marker buoy and were cruising around in various combinations for a while. Again as usual it was impossible to guess what they were doing, whether feeding or just visiting, let alone to decide what kind of interactions, if any, Fungie was having with his visitors. We've seen this kind of event before but not recently; as far as we know, this is the first time anyone has seen Fungie with other dolphins during 2003. Suzanne and Nick watched from the shore and decided not to try to swim with Fungie on this occasion. Nick was able to get some footage on his video camera and was delighted when replaying it to spot some tiny dorsal fins amongst the others, indicating the presence of young ones in the group.

Catherine Merrigan saw the same dolphins from Beenbawn beach just round the corner earlier in the afternoon and they mae also have been in Ventry harbour.
Date Posted: 17/12/2003
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