Irishdolphins - charting interactions between dolphins & people - charting interactions between dolphins and people
Irishdolphins international conference in support of interactive dolphins
Irishdolphins conference 2008 homepage Conference Details Conference background Book for Conference Contact Irishdolphins Go to the website
Please note: Conference 2008 is now over but there are plans for another in 2009 so please call back here
    Trevor Read

Trevor Read

Trevor first went to Dingle in the early nineties to meet Fungie. He was so taken that he moved there in 1994 and stayed for 5 years. During this time he spent hundreds of hours with Fungie and also interacted with several other wild dolphins that inhabit the waters around the Dingle peninsula. He moved back to Cornwall in 1999 and now lives in Kent where he runs his own complementary therapy business. In September 2007 Trevor swam with Dave the dolphin in Sandgate, Kent.

Update 2016

Trevor is still heavily involved with dolphins and contiunes to visit Fungie as often as possible. You can watch his fantastic videos on dolphins and whales here: is dedicated to giving accurate information about 'friendly' or sociable wild dolphins (and whales) around the coastal waters of Ireland - i.e., those cetaceans who from time to time choose to interact with humans.. Dolphins include Fungie the Dingle Dolphin, Dony and Dusty.